Why you need someone looking after your property.

Natural Events: High winds, snow storms, flash floods, high surf, erosion, lighting, tornadoes.

Prevent Vandalism and Theft: We can make your home appear occupied so therefore less of a target. We can do this by having lights on timers, opening and closing blinds in various rooms, and removing any packages or mail that ends up being delivered. 

Cleaning: We can schedule and oversee all cleaning personal for before your return, after your departure, or just regular cleaning maintenance.

Temperatures: Extreme cold/wind chills, cold/wind chills, winter weather, excessive heat, frost/freeze and heat can burst pipes leading to expensive repairs.

Mold/Mildew: When caught early can save you from wood rot and heath issues.

Roof: A leaky roof can turn into a big issue and possibly lead to mold and other issues.

Sump Pump: Depending on your area and the home, if there’s even a slight chance it could flood, having an operational sump pump is important to protecting the home since flooding can cause tens of thousands of dollars of damage. 

Gutters: Making sure the gutters are free of leaves and branches helps to ensure they work properly and direct water away from the house and roof.

How it works.

  1. Contact us to see what services will work best for you and your home.

  2. Setup a complimentary meet & greet to see your property and talk about your needs.

  3. We’ll make a list of everything that makes your property unique, and what you’d like us to take care of while you’re away (see all our services here).

  4. Rest easy knowing someone you can trust is looking after your home.