Rates & Services

Monthly Rates

Non-Rental Properties

Please call for pricing. Price is dependent on location, size, frequency of visits, and more.

Call us for more details and to schedule your complimentary visit

Colorado (303)907-1147

Rental Properties

Please call for pricing. Price is dependent on location, size, frequency of visits, and more.

This option is great for those who want some peace of mind when they are not living in the area and want consistent check-ins and updates. This option includes additional check-ins after big storms, mail delivery, and ensures no big issues go unchecked. This option is also perfect for those who want their home checked on after guests leave or before you come home to turn on thermostat/hot tub/etc.

Membership includes:

  • Weekly property check-in using a unique check-list for your home. see our check-list here.

  • You will be informed of any issues immediately and any logisics that require scheudling for maintence personal will be taken care of on our end.

  • Next day visits after storms & cold fronts.

  • Scheduling and supervising cleaners, landscapers, and maintenance personal when needed for no additional cost.

  • Any additional needs your property may have (determined in meet & greet visit).

Call us for more details and to schedule your complimentary visit

Colorado (303)907-1147


A La Cart Visits

Non-Rental Properties

Please call for pricing. Price is dependent on location, size, frequency of visits, and more.

Call us for more details and to schedule your complimentary visit

Colorado (303)907-1147

Rental Properties

Please call for pricing. Price is dependent on location, size, frequency of visits, and more.

This option is great for those who want their property checked in on from time to time. Especially after big storms, guest stays, or before you come home to turn on thermostat/hot tub/etc.

What the visit includes:

  • Full property inspection of exterior and interior to ensure everything is in good working order. See our Check-List here.

  • Scheduling and supervising trusted cleaners, landscapers, and maintenance personal.

  • See subscription options for maintenance supervising, and storm watch check-ins.

Call us for more details and to schedule your complimentary visit

Colorado (303)907-1147

Maintenance & Cleaning

  • Scheduling and coordinating plumbers, contractors, landscapers, cleaners, and more.

  • We meet the scheduled personal on site and stay to supervise and lock up after the services are complete.

  • Capture and send photos of completed work so you know it’s been done right.

Services that offer peace of mind

See list below for all services. Not seeing what you need? Contact us and we’ll add it to the list!

Property Monitoring

We can check on your property as needed, and since we’re local we can drop everything to visit should any issues arise.

Scheduling and Logistics

Need your home cleaned before your arrival? Maintenance issues? Landscapers? We will coordinate visits with our trusted local partners to ensure your home gets the attention it deserves.

Storm Watchers

We monitor the weather and visit your home the day after any cold fronts, rain storms, wind storms, and more to ensure your property is safe. Cameras can’t catch everything, and that’s where we come in!

Emergency Visits

Whether it’s a cold front, break-in, or one of our famous wind storms, we will visit your home any time of the day if something pops up.


You may not realize, but you should be flushing your toilets, running your faucets, and checking pipes at least once a week in the winter. Included in our monthly packages.

Property Check-Ins

Homes are at risk of water damage, storms, theft, mold, and more. The longer your vacant home goes unchecked thee higher the chances of property damage.

Why you need someone looking after your property.

Natural Events: High winds, tropical storms, winter storms, flash floods, high surfs, sneaker waves, erosion, lighting, tornadoes.

Prevent Vandalism and Theft: We can make your home appear occupied so therefore less of a target. We can do this by having lights on timers, opening and closing blinds in various rooms, and removing any packages or mail that ends up being delivered. 

Cleaning: We can schedule and oversee all cleaning personal for before your return, after your departure, or just regular cleaning maintenance.

Temperatures: Extreme cold/wind chills, cold/wind chills, winter weather, excessive heat, frost/freeze and heat can burst pipes leading to expensive repairs.

Mold/Mildew: When caught early can save you from wood rot and heath issues.

Roof: A leaky roof can turn into a big issue and possibly lead to mold and other issues.

Sump Pump: Depending on your area and the home, if there’s even a slight chance it could flood, having an operational sump pump is important to protecting the home since flooding can cause tens of thousands of dollars of damage. 

Gutters: Making sure the gutters are free of leaves and branches helps to ensure they work properly and direct water away from the house and roof.